A Better Society

Employee Care and Diversity

  • Employee Diversity

    2023 H1 Ingrasys % of female employees ⎮ 51%
    Employee Demographics
    883 female employees ⎮ 849 male employees

    Respect differences, Encourage diversity


    Employees diversity complement each other, which enhance to realize the best use of talents. It’s an important guarantee for us to consolidate profession and stimulate innovative capabilities. Also, it’s always adhered to the employment principle of gender equality.

  • Employee Care

    2022  Ingrasys return rate of parental leave ⎮ 100%
    Caring for Female Employees
    • Female employees’ career development platform.
    • Optimize our maternity period, breastfeeding leave and related policies.


    We will also continue to pay attention to the rights of female employees at home and abroad. Also, we aims to ensure that female employees enjoy non-discriminatory remuneration and benefits.


  • Childcare Subsuidies

    From 2022  Ingrasys 0 to 6 year-olds program spending⎮ 4.5 M+ USD
    Childcare Subsidies for "0 to 6 year-olds" program
    • Align with group policy, we provide comprehensive childcare subsidies
    • In recent 2 years, Ingrasys has issued more than 140 million NTD for this program.
  • Employee Development

    Ingrasys accumulated total training hours⎮ 55000 + hrs
    Strengthen and Innovate Employee Training Plan

    In 2022, we strengthened the overall planning of training and align group/ corporate policies to fully tap the potential of existing personnel, formulate talent development plans, management objectives and training implementation plan.

Health and Safety

Occupational Health Protection

Cooperate with local professional institutions to enhance correct understanding and better protect their occupational health.

Health Lecture

Metabolic Syndrome & Quitting Smoking


Stress Relief Talk

Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Safety Risk Prevention

We regularly hold emergency drills and practical trainings to prevent the potential safety risk, which shows our ambition to ensure a safe working environment.

First aid knowledge



Evacuation drills

(Twice a year)

Activities to Encourage Better Employee Health

Devoted to improve employees’ health awareness, we keep carrying out a series of health promotion activities to improve the execution of employees’ healthy behaviors.

Lung Cancer Screening
Fall & Winter Flu Vaccinations
Stair-Climbing Activity
Weight Loss Competition

Improve Employee Well-being

Ingrasys organized a series of hand-made healing and interesting courses, hoping to provide employees with a sense of accomplishment and relief from creation, create a working environment full of hope, health and vitality.

Fluid Art Creation

Use Pigments with Eco-friendly Certification


Planting Activity

Combine with Recycled Materials

Social Participation

Old Shoes Recycling for Better Life in Africa

In 2022, Ingrasys held a second-hand shoes recycling project, which aims to improve public health in Africa while the value of the old shoes continue. 


A collection station was set up for donated shoes collection; team competition mechanism was also implemented to increase the incentive of employees. Finally, through the“Step30 International Ministries,”the shoes were transported to East Africa.

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Second-hand Bazaar Spreads Love and Green Lifestyle

In 2022, Ingrasys Nanqing Plant took the initiative to practice the circular concept, aiming to promote the recycling and utilization of resources, extend the product life cycle and reduce the waste.


We held a second-hand bazaar to call on all employees bringing unused items for trading. The resources were reused and sent to assist remote villages and disadvantaged groups.

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Create the Biggest Hour for Earth

In 2023, Ingrasys connected with other factories, and invited suppliers, employees joining the one-hour lights-off event on National Earth Day. We responded it in the factory by turning off the light in the office and reception area.


At the same time, Ingrasys also cooperated with a kindergarten nearby for story-telling activities, to enhance correct concept of global warming and the habit of saving energy at the early age.

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